COVID-19 State and National Information

For more information, visit the following sites. (We’ll be adding more sites as information becomes available):

Hudson Information
Town of Hudson COVID-19
School District SAU 81

Nashua Information
City of Nashua COVID-19

New Hampshire Information
New Hampshire Department of Public Health COVID-19

National and Global Information
Center for Disease Control (CDC) COVID-19 (English)
Center for Disease Control (Centros para el Control y la Prevensión de Enfermedad (Español)

World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19
World Health Organization (WHO) (Organización Mundial de la Salud) (Español)

John Hopkins COVID-19 Global Cases Map
(Map link is safe)

Resources for kids

Just for kids: A comic Exploring the New Coronavirus
CDC video showing kids how to wash their hands (good for grownups too!)


Flatten the Curve!


flatten the curve


What does “flatten the curve” mean? Basically, it means pulling out all the stops to try and slow the spreading of COVID-19, what is commonly referred to as the coronavirus.

(Click on the above graphic to see how Flattening the Curve works to contain the spread of COVID-19.)

This means containing the epidemic by putting the following practices into use:

  • Keep at least an arm’s length between yourself and others,
  • Wash hands thoroughly (20 seconds) and often,
  • Sneeze/cough into the inside of you elbow, not into your hand,
  • Avoid crowds and crowded areas, such as restaurants, movie theaters, malls, sporting events, etc.,
  • Avoid any non-essential travel (air travel, cruises, etc.),
  • If you’re sick, stay home.

Following the above precautions increases the chances of having enough hospital beds, ventilators and medical services available to those folks most susceptible to becoming seriously ill from the virus:

  • Older adults (over 65),
  • People with serious chronic medical conditions including heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, cancer and high blood pressure, and
  • People who smoke also have a possible higher risk of of serious illness.