Programming Proposal

The Rodgers Memorial Library serves a population of more than 24,000 residents and provides a variety of educational, informational, and recreational programs to meet the diverse needs of the Hudson, NH community. All library programs are based on the following mission statement:

"The mission of the George H. and Ella M. Rodgers Memorial Library is to provide residents of Hudson, NH, with enhanced opportunities for social, cultural, economic and intellectual growth through ready access to a comprehensive collection of materials in a well-staffed, comfortable and safe environment."

If you would like to submit an idea for a library program, please complete the form below. All starred fields are required.

Requests should be submitted a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the proposed event date to be considered. Your proposal will be directed to the appropriate staff member in charge of programming for the audience you designate.. Please note: you will receive a response only if we can accommodate your program.


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